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My Biograph

Courage means to have a strong desire to live with a firm resolution to die for a cause we believe in.

Purpose means to discover with an absolute mission why we were born.

During painful circumstances & seasons of her life, God has brought Barbara J. Hansen through "the valley of the shadow of death" into the light of God's love & joy. In seeking the courage to face her fears she was carried out of the darkness into the place of becoming a "victorious survivor!". A victim of sexual abuse, infertility & marriage betrayal, Barb has been called into an intense ministry with love & deep empathy for those who have been brutally wounded by this world.

Barb was brought up in a pastor's home & her parents were also missionaries to Sydney, Australia with the Christian & Missionary Alliance denomination. Decades went by before she realized why she invested in the protection of children, teaching them in various ministries such as Sunday School, Junior Church, Pioneer Girls, Youth Groups, Kid's Choir, and her nannie job.

The author is currently living in the Boston area with her husband. Her three grown sons & their families live nearby. Barb & her husband, Wayne, work within prisons, drug rehabilitation programs, homeless shelters, inner city street ministry, & Christian Motorcycle Association in mentoring those recovering from their addictions.

In a home-based, non-profit mission they have named "His Mission", they co-partner with other ministries to connect those with life-controlling problems to drug rehab programs, providing them with a church family and helping them re-enter society.

Barb easily shares her dynamic testimony wherever the Lord opens doors to give awareness of sexual abuse & to be a "voice for victims!"

Copyright © 2004 Listen To The Cry Of The Child

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