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Let's Get Personal

Where was Barbara born?
 Endicot, New York. Her father was pastor of the Endicot Christian & Missionary Alliance Church.

Does Barbara have a middle name?
 Yes her middle name is JOY, named for a missionary to China. My mother called me "her Joybell".

Does she have any siblings?
 She has one brother named David who was her "knight in shining armor" when she was a little girl. He is two years older than Barb & lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with his wife & grandson.

Where did Barbara grow up?
 She spent her childhood in Buffalo, New York where she met her best friend Judi, who was also a pastor's daughter when she was five. Even though her friend Judi now lives in Michigan, she and Barb are still best friends & email one another every day! At the age of 16, Barb's dad took a church in Longview, Texas.

Was it love at first sight?
 No, he actually liked Barb's girlfriend, Margie! They met in a college "fortune telling booth" at the college 'fair'!

How did he get interested in Barb?
 Barb had her hair cut & got contact lenses after Wayne went home for the Summer. They 'bumped' into one another in the hallway at LeTourneau where Barb worked. . he noticed her new look & invited her to go ice skating at an indoor rink. Since it was in Texas, he didn't think she'd be able to ice skate but she had lived in New York State & loved to skate! It was a perfect first date.

How long have they been married?
 Barb has been married 42 years. May 1st is their anniversary. She would do it all over again since she fell in love at the age of 17!

How did Barb come to know the Lord?
 She prayed to accept Jesus into her heart at her daddy's knee at the tender age of five. It was through much soul searching, however, that Jesus became Lord & healer many years later as she devoured her NIV Recovery Devotional Bible & read countless recovery books on inner healing.

What does Barb enjoy doing most?
 Sleeping, gardening, reading, entertaining friends, riding her husband's Honda Shadow Ace Tourer motorcycle with him & enjoying her grandchildren.

What books have been major influences in her life?
 Woman Thou Art Loosed! by Author, E.D.Jakes (He understands pain . . she devoured all his books!) An Affair of the Mind by Author, Laurie Hall (She writes with complete honesty from her heart & understands some of the heartache Barb went through. Her book gave Barb hope that she too could heal!)

What influenced Barbara to write her book?
 The long road to inner healing came in 1999 when she faced the pastor who long ago had violated her sexually. Barbara did something most people do not have the courage to do. She let the ember of hatred leave her soul, reached deep into her heart & forgave him. Forgiving him broke the silence of shame. She came home & realized that she finally had her voice! Writing her memoir was like birthing a child. . loss after loss. . chapter by chapter that was so necessary for the grieving process to finally begin. She wept until there were no more tears. She was then empowered to give what she had received from God!

How long did it take to write your book?
 Once she began to write, she couldn't stop writing until it was completed. She wrote day and night and it was finally completed in only a week. . all except the last seven chapters. It was a book that had to be written from the darkness of her soul damage to the light of God's amazing love & grace!

Barb's Life Verse
 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil. 4:13

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