Listen To The Cry Of The Child

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Welcome To My New Site - About My Ministry - Visitors 144143

Those who have suffered the betrayal of sexual abuse are like a fragile flower. We are like ships that have been tossed about by one storm after another in life! We are bound as prisoners to our past until we are willing to courageously work through the pain and embrace it. We will then realize there is hope for the hopeless to move out of the storm into a boat with a lifeline to God who heals! This book, like my life is a miracle. Having personally walked through the darkness of sexual abuse, infertility, pornography, post partum depression, and marriage betrayal into the recovery of God's love, forgiveness and grace, I am now able to bring an emotional realistic contribution and sense of reality to others, giving them hope!

Barbara Joy Hansen - Email:


Member of RAINN (Rape And Incest National Network) Speakers Bureau

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Copyright © 2004 Listen To The Cry Of The Child


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NEWS WIRE MAGAZINE 96' X 96' Billboard Times Square, New York 03/04/24


Barbara J. Hansen – Listen to The Cry of the Child: The Deafening Silence of S.A.

Stop Child Abuse Now talk Show Show - Date aired: February 14, 2019.

Call in Show LIVE Panel Discussion with Bobbie Joy Hansen  Click on Current
Schedule/Scroll to Feb. 14, 2019/Barbara Joy Hansen & Click on the link in the first column & show will play. Producer Bill Murray
asked Bobbie Joy to come on as Co-Host with questions & answers as she Co-Hosts every second Thursday of every month. This
is a SAFE PLACE for survivors of all kinds with a wonderful community with much support!

Beyond Your Past Radio Pod Cast - with Matt Pappas, CLC, MPNLP Certified Life Coach, Blogger & Advocate.

An interview with Barbara Joy Hansen about her inspirational Humanitarian Aid work in the Philippines. God has raised Barbara
from the ashes to give hope to deeply wounded & broken people including drug addicts & prisoners, as a result of my own inner
soul healing. She recognizes that lack of response on the part of churches when abuse strikes families of faith. She works with
church leaders to help equip them to respond to the challenges they face today with no judgement, no shame & no expectations.

Click Link:

All God' Chikdren Video - Date aired: March 10, 1999.

All God's Children Video may horrify you but it's been going on for decades! It's time WE are a generation must be willing to
STOP  this from happening with our courage & voices! The following video with a sex abuse church 'trial' came only one year prior to my
coming forward with sexual assault with me & three other pastor's daughters! The Christian & Missionary Alliance was made aware from adult
survivors at the Mamou Alliance Academy in Mamou, Gabon Africa three decades ago of all kinds of abuse by staff & teachers. There were NO
cell phones, NO communication, NO email while their brothers & sisters were separated in the middle of a jungle so they could NOT tell anyone
what they were suffering at the hands of the staff & teachers until they became adults. In 1999, Barbara blew the whistle one year after this surfaced
& a separate committee outside source was brought in to understand & unearth what happened to these poor innocent little brother's & sisters
sent by their missionary parents to 'further the gospel' for their lives to be sacrificed! TRIGGER WARNING!
Click Link:

The Dr Oz Show - Date aired: July 2017 on Fox TV.

Megyn Kelly Speaks Out: Trump, Sexual Harassment & Fighting for Women. I was on the Dr Oz Show which was taped on Friday, Nov. 18, 2016 with 19 other survivors in New York City along with Dr. Robin Smith, consulted by Oprah. I am a survivor of sexual abuse & sexual assault/harassment & was invited to be on the show with my Book Promoter & Survivor, Bernice McNeaney.  It was an amazing experience meeting Dr Oz personally & having our photograph taken. He was very sincere, genuine, compassionate & warm towards all of the survivors on his show. A small part of my show airs along with Megyn Kelly's interview along with other assault survivors. To watch in your area, Please watch this very poignant interview & SHARE with all your friends!

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Book Is $20.00 Plus $5.00 S&H which includes tracking

Book Recap: 
Victims of abuse often conceal their pain as they carry their scars. Chained as prisoners of their past, many hide in secrecy, afraid of the consequences of revealing the horrors of childhood experiences. On the surface they may seem carefree and happy, yet inside, a festering wound exists. The only road to freedom from this prison requires confronting the past and revealing its pain in the light of God's love.  

Christian & Missionary Alliance - Online

Hope and Healing for the Harvest - In The Philippines

Interview No. 1

JUST RELEASED CBN Asia the 700 Club YouTube video of Barbara's story. Please be prepared for Triggers which are like hidden pipe bombs in our emotional lives that bring back the tragedy or loss we experienced long ago. I have only been able to watch this once because it brings back those memories when I was only 11-12 at a camp. I had no intension on saying what I did but the producer, Orlando kept asking questions & pulling things out that I had never admitted before but as always, God works mysteriously. After my video was aired all over the Philippines, CBN Producer Orlando told me that 637 souls called the CBN Asia the 700 Club Show who came to faith in Christ.