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Listen To The Cry Of The Child

Anthony Bollback, Christian & Missionary Alliance
 "Barbara Hansen's Listen to the Cry is the story that had to be told. It will awaken in everyone a new sensitivity to this tragic problem of child sexual abuse so prevalent today. It will also bring hope to those caught in the web & open the way for deliverance & freedom. I urge every pastor & every church to take a proactive stance in promoting this book, & to deal honestly & courageously with the problem, no matter where it takes them."---Anthony Bollback, Christian & Missionary Alliance, District Superintendent (retired), missionary to China, Author

Timothy Horton, President & Founder J-Light
 "In Listen to the Cry of the Child, Barb Hansen shows great courage as she opens her heart & share her painful memories with her readers. Her healing & subsequent ministry through this book will be a great encouragement to others to break the silence that enslaves them. This book will prove to be a historical marker & instruction manual for the Church as it deals with sexual predators & the issue of sexual abuse. Listen to the Cry of the Child is a must-read for pastors, youth leaders, & especially all those who have experienced the violation of innocence. This book is proof positive that God can & will restore what the locusts have eaten away."---Rev. Timothy Horton, President & Founder J-Light Radio Corp

Scott Larson, President of Straight Ahead Ministries
 "In this vivid & heart-wrenching account of her life, Barbara Hansen exposes how the venomous tentacles of sexual abuse wreck havoc on its victims. But she also gives testimony to the beauty that Christ can bring out of such chaos. And now in her current ministry Barbara is a living example of the truth of 2 Corinthians 1:4, that God '...comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.'"

Charles W. Shepson, D.D., Founder of Fairhaven
 "Barbara Hansen has a moving story to share - a story of God's remarkable deliverance & His marvelous healing. I feel certain this book will bring hope & help to many who have suffered in silence from sexual abuse."--- Charles W. Shepson, D.D., Founder of Fairhaven Ministries, author.

Rev. Willard L. Davis, Ph.D.
 "Barbara Hansen’s poignant testimony is a must addition to the library of every pastor, counselor and youth leader. It is imperative for every victim of abuse to read the moving journey of this one who is a “victim no more.” The author has broken the “silence of sexual abuse,” and has opened the door to the sunshine of God’s tender love upon this distressing subject. The plight and bitter anguish of the sexual abuse victim is portrayed upon the background of God’s amazing healing of the past, His abundant deliverance for the present, and His restoring grace for the future. The passionate concern of the book is but a reflection of the burdened, loving and caring hearts of both Barbara and her husband, Wayne."---Rev. Willard L. Davis, Ph.D. Retired minister of 50 years service in the C&MA, and the Evangelical Presbyterian Churches, Founder-Emmaus Pastoral Services.

Bob Van Domelen - Broken Yoke Ministries
 Barbara Joy Hansen sent me a note several months ago as a means of introducing herself and the ministry God has called for her life. Within a few weeks, I purchased her book, "Listen to the Cry of the Child" and started reading it. Barbara soon realized that we both were interviewed in May 2000 issue of Charisma Magazine in "Shame in the Sanctuary . . Sexual Abuse in the Church." I mailed Barbara copies of the booklets I have written - the most pertinent ones being Help for Adults Attracted to Children and The Church the Sex Offender, and Reconciliation. Her book is a story others who have been abused will understand. Those of us who have abused might be tempted to turn our heads from what she shares, but if we did we would miss the redemptive love in her message. God has touched her life and brought healing to the scars of abuse. He has also opened the door for her witness to be heard in prisons she and her husband visit. Her book is more than a testimony of pain; it is a testimony of healing. As I read various sections, I could feel God reminding me of His love and His desire that I be free from all that would separate me from that love. About three weeks after our first exchange of notes, I received one encouraging me to consider sending in a workshop proposal for the "Beyond Abuse" conference in Newport Beach, CA. (Feb. 2005) I hesitated but eventually submitted a paper based on The Church, the Sex Offender, and Reconciliation. Four months later I received word that the proposal was accepted; a few days later Barbara wrote to say that she, too, would be presenting at the conference. I am looking forward to meeting and praying with this wonderful woman. Please keep us and this conference in your prayers.

Copyright © 2004 Listen To The Cry Of The Child