Listen To The Cry Of The Child

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What Others Are Saying about Listen to the Cry of the Child

 "I just want you to know that I am thinking of you today as you celebrate your wonderful accomplishment of writing Listen to the Cry of the Child! I am so proud of you, Barb! We have been best friends since childhood and that has been such a blessing to both of us. What fun we had in spite of the hidden traumas in both of our lives! I am so glad that we both held on tight to that friendship all those years! Your forever friend."

 "I was so moved by your gift of expressing yourself and all that God is doing in and through your life for the benefit of others. Your personal inscription and acknowledgement blesses my heart, thank you! I will be looking forward to your future writings as He leads."

Rev. Bill Redekop
 "Thank you for allowing us to see into your soul & your family. Seeing from your perspective has helped me as a pastor! God bless you!"

 "I am halfway through your book & it is quite compelling. Your mother must be so proud of you for your willingness to confront and reveal so much of your personal life to help so many others."

 "I am only half way through your book and so feel as though you have written what I've felt but never been able to express. I haven't suffered near the extent of betrayal and abuse that you have, however some of the things you went through I did too. I just wanted to write & thank you for speaking out about this subject & for being an example of God's healing power & love. You have given me courage & a sense of understanding that still has resounding effects in my life!"

 "I got your book one night from a relative & couldn't put it down. I finished it the next morning. I was so moved by the pansy you gave to the man in prison, I bought you the heart shaped pansy dish I am sending to you. Thank you! You have no idea how much your book helped me!"

 "Thank you for helping so many people who have had so much misery and misfortune. My heart goes out to you for all you have been through but I see that you have turned bad experiences into something good for those in need. I'm glad you were able to face the youth pastor who molested you. Perhaps others he betrayed will read your book & be helped." "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivered him out of them all." Psalm 34:19

Rev. Don A. Miller
 "I was astounded to hear what happened to you by a pastor I had attended Nyack with! We had served in the same district for years. It is one thing to read about this is the life of someone you do not know, but when it comes as close to knowing your dear mom and dad, it makes it all the more compelling! I can only tell you that I am glad though I do not know the trauma you went through that you are ever being healed and at the same time being of such help to others."

 "Barb, you opened up your heart & soul & let the spirit work through you. . & it just poured out! A lot of trust, a lot of surrender & a lot of people, especially kids will benefit because of you allowing the Lord to work through you. I am sorry you had to go through all of that to get to this point but there is always a 'master plan' for each of our lives if we just put that 'trust' in the Lords hand."

 "I know that God is with you during the 'journey' in your life. It seems as tho the words flow with ease from your soul, but I am sure it has taken a lot of pain to put it all down into words to relive all the events. God has burned the scriptures into your mind to be released onto the pages of your book for all the world to read! When people read scripure alone, sometimes a person can't get the full benefit of understanding but you put them into a context that anyone can benefit from . .not only those who have been abused."

 "I met you at the Beauty Shop the other day & it always restores my faith in mankind when a total stranger does something. . anything . .to comfort or assist another. Truly those people have the greatest gift to give. . themselves, while others move throughout their lives taking & wanting & never feeling true joy. . others like you, spend their times giving of themselves, which reaps it's own reward. You are a person of very strong faith & this is so wonderful to see someone living what they believe. I am a lost person, who doesn't quite now where I am supposed to go or what my purpose is, but in times of great pain & loss, I slip into the usual habit of asking for His help. As I seek I know I will hear that answer & that everything will become as clear to me as the purpose of your ordeal enlightened you."

 "Your book brought my relationship with my mom back together again in a stronger way after 20 years of strain. Your courage helped me be strong & face the terror & pain I had buried & was hiding from my family for years. I confronted it again & made an open acknowledgment that I am not crazy, disgusting or unclean & that in fact I was a victim. I was only just a kid. . .I wasn't greeted with open arms in the beginning by family but I am free from bondage knowing I am not alone. Regardless of support or not, there is hope & no more shame that can keep me hostage anymore. I'm just as pure in God's eye & He loves me regardless what has happened to me. I won't over eat & do self abusive things to my body any longer or take it out on others I care about. Thank you for sharing your story which was so similar to mine!"

Bonnie - Psychologist Milford Housing Authority
 "Barb, oh my Lord! What a book!!! He has anointed you. . . praise the Lord! Wayne, thanks so much for being full of the poverty of the spirit & meekness of strength. You are a blessing. I am so excited!"

 "BobbieJOY you are a courageous woman and a great soldier in the army of the Lord! I believe your book should be read by all young adults who have had similar experiences sometime in their young lives who need to come forward and free themselves from this burden they are carrying around. I will share it with everyone."

Claire R. Reeves
 "Listen To The Cry of the Child" by Barbara Joy Hansen is a poignant memoir of one woman's journey in surviving child sexual abuse. It is written with eloquence, dignity and hope for all survivors of this heinous crime perpetrated on the innocent. Ms. Hansen's faith and soothing passages from the Bible gives the non-secular reader a feeling of peace and hope. Barbara Joy Hansen has turned what could have been a life of tragedy into a mission of helping others heal and reclaim their lives. Joy is certainly the appropriate middle name for this courageous woman. A must read for survivors and pro survivors who desperately need the spiritual fortification that Listen To The Cry of the Child provides in abundance."
  Claire R. ReevesPresident/FounderChief Executive Officer MOTHERS AGAINST SEXUAL ABUSE Author: Childhood - It Should Not Hurt

Grange (Peggy Rutan Habermann)
 "Joy is what I feel exuded through pre-dawn arrival as I know God has chosen you to reach out and touch the aching hearts, and there are many, strewn about, just waiting to be touched by your glorious survival. Perhaps we knew, early on, too soon for innocence to leave, what life was like by the sheer irreverence, the sheer audacity of someone daring to invade our child-like wonder. Actually, by sheer courage alone, and God's deep abiding love for you, your book, is in essence, a sociological commentary, and you spent time consulting with psychiatrists and sociologists that hid under the guise of Barbara Joy: THE WARIER. And you became, because it was crucial for your confidence, the voice of all those babies who were robbed by the demented perverts who hide in family and close friend. God gave you a talent and the creative challenge was to find the story, your story that's compelling enough to make one want to turn the page to want to find out what happens to you, to them and most of all that you care enough about the little girl in you to share that "deep, silent dark secret" which haunted you and is now free. Praise the Lord! I am proud of you because it is more than a matter of pride because you have flooded my heart with girlish pride that you walked the walk alone and now run with the wind to catch the breeze despite the rain, fearless.

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